Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Year=New Blog

I have decided to start a new blog. Out with the old in with the new for 2010. This blog is a work in progress and will change as I figure out what works for me. I am planning on posting about business, family, trying to get healthy, our daily adventures, cooking, and of course my kids.

So for my first post I've decided to post my goals/resolutions for 2010. My #1 resolution is to STOP PROCRASTINATING!!! Seeing as this post is being made in the middle of February, I'm sure it's not too hard to figure out I'm not doing well at keeping this resolution so far :( Here are the rest:


Stop procrastinating

Live a healthier lifestyle

Stay focused

Make more of an effort to stay in contact with loved ones

Save money

Keep up with blogging

Get back into my charity work and volunteering

Wear sunscreen everyday

Get ready everyday

Take one day at a time and be grateful for each and every day

Rebuild my wardrobe


Enjoy and cherish the ages and stages they are in

Keep them involved in activites that will enrich their lives

Spend one on one time with each of them often


Get my website up and running

Get product pictures done

Get marketing materials designed and printed

Get an inventory system in place

Spruce up my vendor booth

Update my social media outlets more regularly

Be in 10 more stores by end of year

Get all of my paperwork in order

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